
  • General Contracting Sale = 7%-10% of Gross Revenue Payout

  • Contractor Registration Sale = 50% of original fee Payout & 50% of contractors payouts from our 3 models of 2.5%, 10%, or 15%

  • 2.5% of any recruited team members sales commission revenue

Recommended Sales Trainers

  1. Funny Salesman - Great with Diffusing situations and turning “Yellow customers” into “Green customers”.

  2. Jordan Belfort - Great with product knowledge tactics and “Buzz Words” to sound knowledgeable.

  3. Grant Cardone - Great with CPR and FORM to make the customer more of a friend.

  4. Kevin Samuels - Great with “Objections & Overturns” or “Rebuttals” and teaches Professionalism.

  5. Andrew Tate - Great with “Working a Full Day” and “Law of Averages” and teaches hard hustle.

  6. Andy Elliot - Great with “indifference” and “jones effect”.

  7. Gary V - Great with “indifference” and “follow-up” as well as consistency.

  8. Speak Up Entertainment - Great with “basic sales knowledge” and “recruitment”.